Ocean Technology
Our marine technology sector integrates two major areas: Hydrography and marine technology. The main tasks of hydrography involve capturing the characteristics and shape of the underwater seabed. Nautilus Marine Service GmbH offers you hydrographic equipment and comprehensive sensor technology from renowned manufacturers, extending to complete ASVs, ROVs, and AUVs. Comprehensive consulting, installation, and training services complete our offering.
Nautilus Marine Service GmbH has been supplying marine technology from leading international manufacturers to German customers for over 25 years. Our product range is extensive, offering instruments, sensors, and data loggers for the acquisition and storage of:
- Primary physical and biological parameters and derived values of the water body (such as salinity, temperature, ambient pressure, conductivity, turbidity, oxygen and CO2 content, chlorophyll, etc.)
- Meteorological data
- Wave and sea state parameters (wave height, water level)
- Speed and direction distribution of ocean currents
Another focus is on complete measurement platforms that simultaneously capture, store, and, if necessary, transmit a combination of the aforementioned parameters to a base station. These include CTDs, multiparameter probes, Argo floats, drifter buoys, and ice buoys. Fundamental marine technology components such as:
- Underwater connectors
- Cables, cable terminations, swivels
- Positioning and marking transmitters
- Recovery buoys
complete our product portfolio.
In addition to the mentioned standard products, we offer a wide range of other products for marine and oceanographic applications, including the development and commissioning of customized solutions. Do not hesitate to explore further in the individual subcategories or contact us directly.
Sensoren & Logger
- Mit Sensoren und Datenlogger lassen sich ozeanographische und geophysikalische Parameter kostengünstig aufzeichnen. Ein erstklassiger Überlebensanzug kann den Unterschied zwischen Leben und Tod bedeuten.

- Vertikal- und Fächerecholote sind wesentliche Werkzeuge in der Meeresforschung und Hydrographie zur Kartierung und Analyse von Unterwasserumgebungen.

- Autonome Über- und Unterwasserfahrzeuge revolutionieren die Art und Weise, wie wir die Meere erforschen und überwachen.

- AUVs spielen eine entscheidende Rolle in der Meeresforschung, Umweltüberwachung und Offshore-Industrie.

- Sie dienen als Markierungen zur Kennzeichnung von Schifffahrtsrouten, Gefahrenstellen oder Ankerplätzen.